ISFC Thailand Grooming Certification & Competition 2024

Activity: 2nd ISFC Thailand Grooming Certification & Competition 2024 – Official Cat Grooming Competition at CAT ZONE

Event Details:
The 2nd ISFC Thailand Grooming Certification & Competition 2024 – An opportunity to earn a professional cat grooming certification from the USA!
This year, the event will feature team competitions as well. Full details can be found in the competition rules.

Event Registration:
Register here:

You can view the rules and regulations for ISFC 2024 here:…/1oeUesG3KYbQjcwnOK1c…/view

Registration is open starting from now on.
Competition Zone: CAT ZONE
Date: October 3, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, ISFC Examination and Competition